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Carrot and Courgette fritters; another savoury start to the day!

So, saturday started with savoury protein pancakes and sunday went a little bit like this...

After a nice lie in and a long dog walk, a low carbohydrate, high fat and protein breakfast was much needed. Alongside a lot of instagram inspiration, carrot and courgette fritters were born and they were super tasty.


1 small carrot, grated,

1/2 of a courgette, grated,

10g of coconut flour (I use Sukrin)

A pinch of paprika,

A teaspoon of Revital UK Super greens powder (optional)

1. Mix together all of the above ingredients and shape in to four patties,

2. Put a pan on a medium heat and put in a teaspoon of coconut oil,

3. Once the pan is hot enough put in the fritters and fry on each side for 3/4 minutes.

4. Serve with any sides you like; I chose smoked salmon and a poached egg but avocado would also go nicely.

Enjoy, Hannah x




Coconut oil; brilliant for sweet and savoury dishes as well as your skin. 



Turmeric powder; brilliant anti-inflammatory properties so great post workout to reduce muscle soreness. 



Eggs; such a versatile ingredient and a brilliant snack. Hardboil a few at the start of the week and you're less likely to reach for the sweet jar! 

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